How To Remove Page 1 Watermark In Excel

Do you want to get rid of that annoying watermark on your worksheet? We’re here to help with that.

This tutorial is about removing watermarks from your Excel spreadsheets. But for that, what is a watermark in the first place?

Watermark in Excel

Here’s what a watermark looks like. And you must have been through the annoying times when it was added uninvited to your sheets.

How to remove it? This tutorial covers a variety of methods and how to do that. So make sure you’re tuned in till the end.

Remove the Page Watermark by Changing the View Settings

One main reason why you’d see the Page 1 watermark on your spreadsheet is the Page Break View.

Under the page break view, Excel divides the spreadsheet into pages as they will be printed. Each page is bordered with a blue dotted line and has a Page number watermarked on it.

If that’s the reason for the page break watermark appearing on your sheet, it’s really easy to have this watermark removed.

All you need to do is change the view settings, and the watermark will go away.

Follow the steps below to remove the Page Break preview (and the Page 1 watermark) from your spreadsheet.

  1. Go to the View tab.
  2. Go to Workbook Views > Normal Preview button.

You’d see the current view would be set to Page Break Preview. We are setting it to Normal.

Go to view > normal

Your spreadsheet will exhibit a normal view. No more blue borders and no page watermarks.

 Page watermark removed

Another way how you can change the view settings for your spreadsheet is here.

  1. Go to the bottom left of your spreadsheet to find these three buttons.

These are three-page view buttons that help you quickly toggle between different view settings.

  1. Click on the Normal View button (as shown below) to get rid of the Page Break Preview and the page watermark.

The Page Break Preview mode will be changed to Normal View mode, and no more watermarks will appear. How cool is that?

Remove the Page Watermark by Deleting the Background

The above method discussed how you can remove the “Page” watermark when the watermark is only coming as a result of view mode.

In essence, there doesn’t exist a watermark on your sheet.

However, often this is not the case. What you see as the watermark might be the background of your sheet that looks like the one below.

Page 1 Watermark Background image

In this case, to get rid of the Page watermark, you must delete the background. Follow the steps below to delete the background from your sheet.

  1. Go to the Page Layout tab > Page Setup group.
  1. Click on the Delete Background button, as shown above.
Delete background

And whoosh! There’s not any “Page” watermark in sight on your sheet now.


You might be tempted to select the “Page” text on the sheet by simply clicking on it and hitting the Backspace button. However, it won’t work like that. Doing so, you’ll only end up selecting the cells on the front.

Delete the Watermark from the Page Header

Sometimes, you might end up seeing the “Page 1” watermark on your spreadsheet when it’s applied as the page header.

The page header would appear at the top right of your spreadsheet and it will look something the watermark below.

Page header

To get rid of this watermark, you must remove it from the header. Let’s see how to do it below

  1. Move to the top of your sheet (more precisely the page).
  2. Double clicking on the top will activate the Header as follows:
  3. The header will likely have three boxes, click on the third box. The third box might be containing the text &[Picture].
Header with watermark
  1. Erase the text &[Picture] (using the backspace key).
  2. Hit Enter.

Doing this, the watermark from the page header will be removed from the sheet instantly.

Page Header watermark removed

That wasn’t difficult, was it? Try it yourself now!

Otherwise, you can remove the page header (along with the footer).

Delete the Watermark from Word Art

Does the watermark on your spreadsheet look like the one below:

Word Art

That’s not what we call a watermark essentially; it’s Word Art that you can do in Office programs.

Nevertheless, if the “page 1” watermark on your sheet looks like this, you must delete the WordArt from your sheet to get rid of it as deleting the entire sheet isn’t feasible.

Follow the steps below to remove it from your worksheet.

  1. Right-click on the “Page 1” watermark.
  2. Upon selection, it would be enclosed in a rectangular dotted box, as shown below.
Selection of page watermark
  1. Click on the borders of the box to select the entire textbox.
  2. Once the text box is selected, the dotted borders will turn into simple borders, as shown below.
Selection of watermark
  1. Press the Delete key or the Backspace key to delete it.

And it’s gone. Pretty easy, no?


Watermarks added through WordArt can take any form. They don't necessarily have to read as "Page 1". No matter what text is added through WordArt; you can always delete these watermarks by following the steps above.


In the guide above, we’ve discussed a variety of methods to remove the “Page 1” watermark from Excel.

The watermark is often useful given the fact that it breaks down your spreadsheet into pages and how they will be printed. However, it can be very frustrating otherwise. If you don’t need it there in your sheet, it is a pain to the eyes.

But no more! Whether it is a watermark, a background, or a header, you now know how to get rid of it. Try the methods demonstrated above to practice deleting watermarks from your Excel spreadsheet.

How to Sum Across Multiple Sheets in Excel

Some operations in Excel have extremely useful shortcuts. If you don’t know them, you may lose unnecessary time when doing simple calculations. Knowing these shortcuts can save you valuable time.

In this tutorial, we will learn a shortcut that enables summing across multiple sheets in Excel in a very practical way.

Sum Across Multiple Sheets

Let’s say we have the grades of students in separate sheets: Midterm, Final, Project 1, and Project 2.

Student grades across sheets

All sheets have 10 students as shown above, and we want to sum up the grades across multiple sheets. In the Summary sheet, we can write the following formula, to sum up the grades of Student 1 (cell B2):

=SUM(Midterm!B2, Final!B2, 'Project 1'!B2, 'Project 2'!B2)

You can type this formula by clicking on cell B2 in each sheet. This successfully sums up the midterm, final, and project grades of the student:

Student grades summed up manually

This achieved our purpose, but it wasn’t practical. What if we had more than four sheets? Then this manual process could be tedious.

Instead, let’s learn about the Excel shortcut that allows summing across multiple sheets automatically.

Sum Across Multiple Sheets: The Shortcut

To use the most practical way of summing across sheets, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Summary tab, and write the sum formula in a new cell:


Step 2: Click on the name of the leftmost sheet you want to include in your sum.

Click on leftmost sheet

When you click on the sheet, its name will automatically be inserted in the formula:


Step 3: While pressing the SHIFT button, click on the rightmost (last) sheet you want to add to your sum.

Press SHIFT and click on rightmost sheet

This will automatically select all sheets between the leftmost and rightmost sheets you’ve clicked on, and insert the sheet range into the formula:

=SUM('Midterm:Project 2'!

This would be your chance to delete multiple sheets or tabs as well. But if not, proceed with the next step.

Step 4: Click on the cell/range of cells you want to sum.

Click on the cell you want to sum

This will insert the cell name next to the sheet range in your formula:

=SUM('Midterm:Project 2'!B2

If you get a #Name error instead, fix it first.

Step 5: To finalize the formula, type the right parenthesis “)”.

=SUM('Midterm:Project 2'!B2)
Easily summed up a cell across multiple sheets

Now that you have summed up a cell across multiple sheets using this practical shortcut, you can apply the same formula to other cells by clicking on the little green rectangle in the bottom right of the cell, and dragging it downward:

Apply sum formula to other cells

This way, the sum across multiple sheets is applied to all cells. You can then calculate the average, or perform any kind of calculation:

Formula applied to all cells and average taken

In this tutorial, we learned how to sum across multiple sheets. We first learned it the long way, by typing the formula manually and selecting cells one by one for each sheet.

Afterward, we learned a shortcut that allows summing up multiple sheets through five simple steps. Nice job!

While you’re at it, check out these articles to enhance your knowledge about summing up in Excel.

How to Sum Positive Numbers in Excel

Excel is an excellent tool for a wide range of calculations, among which summation is maybe the easiest. However, summing only positive numbers may be a challenge. Not if you follow this tutorial!

In this tutorial, we will learn how to sum positive numbers in Excel using the SUMIF function.

Sum Positive Numbers Using the SUMIF Function

The SUMIF function enables you to sum cells or values under some criterion. The function takes three arguments:

=SUMIF(criteria_range, criteria, sum_range)

Let me explain all the arguments:

  • criteria_range: This is the range of cells or a list of values that you want to apply your criteria.
  • criteria: This is where you specify the criteria. For example, if you only want positive numbers, you need to specify “>0”. Similarly, if you want negative numbers, write “<0”. You need to surround these criteria with double quotes.
  • sum_range: This is the range of cells or list of values you want to sum up. Usually, the criteria range and sum range are the same, so you can omit this argument.

Now let’s use the SUMIF formula to sum up values in the cells B1:B6. Since both the sum and criteria ranges are the same, I will omit the third argument.

To sum up positive numbers, write the following formula in a new cell:

=SUMIF(B1:B6, ">0")
Sum positives formula

This formula will check each cell for positivity. If positive, then it will be included in the sum. As can be seen from the image, the positive cells (painted green) are summed up: 10 + 20 + 5 + 2 = 37. The negative numbers are not included in the sum.  

Also specifying the sum range (the third argument of the function) will yield the same result:

=SUMIF(B1:B6, ">0", B1:B6)
Sum positives formula v2

You can use either approach. As you can see, the first and third arguments are the same. These arguments can be provided differently in more complicated scenarios.

If you want to sum up negative numbers, you simply change the criteria from “>0” to “<0”:

=SUMIF(B1:B6, "<0")
Sum negatives formula

This time, the cells are checked for negativity, and only negative values are included in the sum: -10 + -8 = -18.

Otherwise, change the negative numbers to positive first before you sum them up. Then get the sum across multiple sheets if needed.

In this tutorial, we learned the SUMIF function and how to use it to sum up positive and negative numbers. Hope it was useful :)

How to Convert Radians to Degrees in Excel

Radians and degrees are units of angle. One turn around a circle (360°) is equal to 2π radians.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert radians to degrees in Excel using a function and a formula.

Convert Using the DEGREES Function

The DEGREES function takes an angle (in radians) and converts it into degrees. The syntax of the DEGREES function is as follows:


Let’s see examples of how the function works. In a blank cell write the following formula:


Example of 20 radians to degrees

The result is 20.05352. This means that 0.35 radians are equal to around 20 degrees.

You can also use a cell name inside the DEGREES function.


Below are more examples of the function:

Radians to degrees examples with DEGREES function

Convert Using the PI Formula

Instead of using the DEGREES function, you can directly use the formula for converting radians into degrees. The formula goes like this:

= angle_radians * 180 / PI()

Let me explain the formula. To convert radians to degrees, you need to multiply the angle in radians by 180 and divide it by pi, which is a mathematical constant (π = 3.14159265359…). The pi number can be used in Excel through the PI() function.

Let’s apply this formula to a single angle:

=0.35 * 180 /PI()

Example of 20 radians to degrees with the formula

When we convert 0.35 into degrees, the result is 20.05352, which is consistent with the output we got when we used the DEGREES function.

You can also apply this formula to multiple cells. Firstly, write the formula for an initial cell:

Write rad to deg formula for a cell

Then, click on the small rectangle in the lower right corner of the cell, and drag it downward.

Apply formula to multiple cells

This way, the formula will be applied to multiple cells with the help of auto-fill:

Rad to deg formula applied to multiple cells

And now, we learned how to convert radians to degrees using the DEGREES function and a mathematical formula. Nicely done!

Feel free to check on these articles as well to learn more about how to convert other kinds of numbers in Excel.

How to Round Up to the Nearest Whole Number in Excel

Sometimes numbers with high precision can cause confusion and may look ugly. Decreasing precision and decimal points in Excel can be done through rounding.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to round numbers up to the nearest whole number and also to the nearest multiples. This way, your data will be much more organized, and you won’t lose the significance of your numbers.  

Round Up by Changing Cell Format

If you want to round up a number in place, you can do so by changing the cell format by decreasing the number of decimal places. Let’s do it!

Step 1: Click on the cell that contains a number.

Step 2: Go to the Number Format box in the Excel Ribbon, and click on the Decrease Decimal button.

Decrease decimal button

Every click on the button will decrease one decimal while rounding the number up.

Step 3: Keep on pressing until the number rounds to the nearest whole number.

Decimals decreased and number rounded to nearest whole number

Round Up Using ROUNDUP

There are some very useful functions in Excel that enable you to round numbers with different precisions. The ROUNDUP function is very commonly and easily used. Let’s look at how to use the ROUNDUP function to round numbers up.

The ROUNDUP function takes two arguments: a number, and the number of digits:

=ROUNDUP(num, num_of_digits)

  • The argument num: You can use a number or the name of a cell that contains a number.
  • The argument num_of_digits:
    • num_of_digits = 0:  the number is rounded up to the nearest whole number.
    • num_of_digits = 1:  the number is rounded up to 1 decimal place.
    • num_of_digits = 2:  the number is rounded up to 2 decimal places.


Change the second argument according to your needs:

ROUNDUP function with different decimal places

Round Up to the Nearest 10, 100, 1000           

The ROUNDUP function can also be used to round up to the nearest multiple of 10, 100, and 1000. The only thing you need to change is the number of digits argument:

Change the second argument of the ROUNDUP function(num_of_digits):

  • num_of_digits = -1:  the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10.  
  • num_of_digits = -2:  the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 100.  
  • num_of_digits = -3:  the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 1000.  
ROUNDUP function rounds to nearest multiples of 10 100 and 1000

Round Up Using CEILING

The CEILING function is very handy because you can round a number up to any nearest multiple. Let’s first learn how to use the CEILING function to round up to the nearest whole number.

The CEILING function also takes two arguments:

=CEILING(num, multiple_num)

  • The argument num: You can use a number or the name of a cell that contains a number.
  • The argument multiple_num: The multiple you want to round up nearest to.
    • multiple_num = 1: the number is rounded up to the nearest whole number.


CEILING function rounds to nearest whole number

Round Up to the Nearest 0.25, 2.5 and 25

You can use the CEILING function to round up to the nearest multiple of 0.25, 2.5, and 25. This comes in handy if you’re working with quarters.

Simply change the second argument of the CEILING function (multiple_num):

  • multiple_num = 0.25: the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 0.25.  
  • multiple_num = 2.5: the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 2.5.  
  • multiple_num = 25: the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 25.  
CEILING function rounds to nearest multiples of quarters

Round Up to the Nearest 0.5, 5, 50           

You can also use the CEILING function to round up to the nearest halves (0.5, 5, 50) by changing the second argument of the CEILING function (multiple_num):

  • multiple_num = 0.5: the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 0.5 (the nearest half).  
  • multiple_num = 5: the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5.  
  • multiple_num = 50: the number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 50.  
CEILING function rounds to nearest multiples of halves

Moving decimal places to the left or right can also help. Convert the decimal to a percentage afterward if needed.

In this tutorial, we learned how to round up to the nearest whole number, and the nearest multiples by changing the cell format, or by using the ROUNDUP and CEILING functions. Nice job!