Double-click on the dividing bar to remove panes

How to Remove Panes in Excel [2024]

Splitting a worksheet into panes or sections is great for keeping certain contents within the sheet (like the headers) to be always on display even when we scroll to other areas in the sheet. Excel … Read more

Cursor changes into arrow cross when mouse is hovered to the right side of selected columns

How to Swap Columns in Excel?

When working with a data set, there will be times when you need to rearrange the columns. These can occur whenever you need to compare similar fields side by side. In this article, I’ll show … Read more

Dollar sign in excel - Constant cell address

Why a Dollar Sign is Used in Excel?

Have you ever seen ‘$’ in an excel sheet and wondered why is it so frequently used? To simplify things, ‘$’ means don’t change. Sometimes, the $ in an excel sheet is just a dollar … Read more

Finding the standard error in Excel using a mathematical formula

How to Calculate Standard Error in Excel?

We frequently use Excel to calculate different kinds of averages (mean, median, mode etc.) for different sets of numbers. The size of the dataset varies and can often be super huge. The contemporary mean function … Read more